Global Broadcast Service


Global Broadcast Service (GBS) operates as a one-way wideband transmission broadcast, supporting timely delivery of data and video products for mission support and theater information transfer. GBS provides service to over 1000 receive suites deployed world-wide supporting the Department of Defense and other governmental organizations and agencies. 

GBS began broadcasting in 1998 through communication payloads. Initial Operational Capability for GBS was declared in October 2008. The GBS Satellite Broadcast Manager (SBM) architecture transitioned to the Defense Information Systems Agency in 2014 utilizing two sites. In 2016, the GBS broadcast began transitioning from the Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite (DVB-S) standard to DVB-S Second Generation (DVB-S2) standard, and is ongoing and near completion as of August 2019. DVB-S2 is responsible for a significant increase in available bitrate within the GBS program.
In November 2016, four GBS receive suites were operationally accepted by the former Air Force Space Command. The four receive suite versions include: Transportable – designed for ground forces support to Combatant Command Area of Responsibility.


GBS achieves mission success through a combined architecture including Satellite Broadcast Managers, DOD Teleport Gateways, satellite constellations, and transportable and portable receive suites. GBS leverages other SATCOM constellations, as well as commercial satellite service providers, to achieve the broadcast requirements of tactical warfighters. GBS reaches data rates up to 45 megabits per second, transmitting to garrison and deployed combat forces using net-centric prioritized delivery, determined by unit mission reception priority profiles. Additionally, video and data transmissions are the primary method used to disseminate High Definition Full Motion Video to tactically deployed warfighters. Further, GBS serves as a critical piece of the DOD’s Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance architecture.  

General Characteristics

Primary Function: High-capacity product dissemination (Imagery, RPA full-motion video, large data files) for mission-essential situational awareness 

(Current as of Oct 2020)