Transfer Program

Air Force Reserve opportunities to transfer to full-time active duty in the U.S. Space Force

Recent enactment of the Space Force Personnel Management Act (PMA) has afforded the United States Space Force (USSF) the opportunity to create a single service in which members are not identified as Active Duty or Reservists, but rather as Guardians who serve in full-time or part-time roles.

Air Force Reserve professionals serving in the following Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) are eligible to apply for voluntary transfer to the Space Force.

Officers: 13S, 14N, 17X, 6X

Enlisted: 1C6X1, 1N0, 1N1, 1N2, 1N3, 1N4, 1N8, 1D7X1, 1D7X2, 1D7X3


Click here to apply June 1, 2024:

Application windows for Air Force Reservists interested in transferring to the Space Force in a part-time capacity are expected to open in 2026 once policies, processes and systems are established. PMA does not currently apply to space units and personnel currently resident in the Air National Guard; however, Guard members could expect a similar process to their Reserve counterparts after authorized and appropriate legal and policy changes. 

Helpful resources and documents:


Space Force

Inter-Service Transfer (IST) Program

Thank you for your interest in inter-service transfer to the United States Space Force (USSF)

The Space Force Inter-Service Transfer (IST) program provides active-duty regular component members serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps, the opportunity to apply for IST to the USSF with no break in service.

While publicized application windows have previously been made available, there is no projected IST application window at this time.

Should future IST opportunities become available, information (to include application timelines, processes, and program details) will be announced on this website.



Space Force