U.S. Space Forces - Space (S4S) is commanded by Lt. Gen. Douglas A. Schiess with Brig. Gen. Dennis Bythewood as the deputy commander. S4S exercises operational control of USSF forces conducting protect, defend and deliver missions, and, when delegated, tactical control of other service forces conducting these missions. Additionally, S4S commander conducts joint space operations on behalf of USSPACECOM commander through Combined Joint Force Space Component Commander (CJFSCC) authorities. The USSPACECOM commander appointed Lt. Gen. Schiess as the CJFSCC and U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Richard L. Zellmann as the Deputy CJFSCC.
To plan, integrate, conduct, and assess global space operations in order to deliver combat relevant space effects, in, from, and to space, for Combatant Commanders, Coalition partners, the Joint Force, and the Nation.
Visit https://www.spaceforces-space.mil/