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Called to be Guardians

Established on December 20, 2019, the United States Space Force is the sixth military branch in the U.S. Armed Forces. Military and civilian members of the Space Force are called Guardians, a term that traces back to "Guardians of the High Frontier." This was the command motto of Air Force Space Command, the organization that evolved into what we know today as the U.S. Space Force. Guardians are uniquely and specifically trained and educated in warfighting activities in, from, and to space.


Key Moments in History

U.S. Space Force 5th Anniversary Commemorative Posters

U.S. Space Force 5th Anniversary Commemorative Poster
U.S. Space Force 5th Anniversary Commemorative Poster
U.S. Space Force 5th Anniversary Commemorative Poster
U.S. Space Force 5th Anniversary Commemorative Poster
U.S. Space Force 5th Anniversary Commemorative Poster
U.S. Space Force 5th Anniversary Commemorative Poster
U.S. Space Force 5th Anniversary Commemorative Poster
U.S. Space Force 5th Anniversary Commemorative Poster




U.S. Space Force

The Space Force mission statement - “Secure our Nation’s interests in, from, and to space”

Each portion of the statement was chosen to represent a key aspect of the Space Force mission that the president, Congress and the American people have charged Guardians with executing.

“Secure” refers to the Space Force’s formative purpose to contest, and when directed, control the space domain on behalf of the nation and joint force.

“Our Nation’s interests” represents Guardians’ focus on protecting the security and prosperity the U.S. derives from space. It also serves as a reminder that space activities are essential to the American way of life.

“In, from, and to space” references the three core functions of the Space Force, which include securing the Nation’s interests:

- In space, through space superiority activities that protect the joint force and nation from space and counterspace threats.

- From space, by delivering global mission operations like satellite communications, positioning, navigation and timing, and missile warning activities.

- To space, by assured space access through the service’s launch, range and control network infrastructure.

“Our mission statement is a call to action that concisely encapsulates our purpose and identity as Guardians and members of the profession of arms,” 

- Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman