Space Rapid Capabilities Office The Space Rapid Capabilities Office (Space RCO) is “the” RCO for the United States Space Force. Space RCO is one of three acquisition organizations in the Space Force acquisition ecosystem and charged with rapidly delivering first-of-their-kind operational space capabilities that protect space assets and defend joint forces from space-enabled attack. The office is organizationally optimized to deliver space systems on operationally relevant timelines, with the right authorities, structure and talent required to do so. Mission The Space RCO mission is to deliver timely and operationally relevant space superiority and resilience capabilities to the warfighter. They expedite delivery and work closely with all of the Space Force’s Field Commands (i.e., Space Systems Command, Space Operations Command, and Space Training and Readiness Command) to rapidly field space capabilities in response to the Commander of U.S. Space Command requirements. Space RCO programs are also closely coordinated with the Space Force’s Chief Strategy and Resourcing Officer’s staff for alignment with Service priorities. Organization Space RCO is a small (about 200 people), independent unit in the Space Force acquisition ecosystem, based in Albuquerque, N.M. The office—which is comprised of a highly skilled, highly concentrated and high-performance workforce—is organizationally optimized to execute its mission. Space RCO maintains a very short chain of command and a culture of empowerment, for which authorities are maximally delegated on every team. Its program teams are intentionally kept small—with about eight to 12 dedicated personnel. These teams are comprised of all requisite functional disciplines, including program management, systems engineering, contracting, security and financial management. Combined, these factors are critical in enabling the rapid response required for unique missions. Governance Space RCO programs are assigned by their Board of Directors, chaired by the Secretary of the Air Force. Additionally, there are multiple coordinating bodies to determine the most appropriate acquisition arm within the Space Force acquisition ecosystem. Locations Space RCO is headquartered at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, N.M., with additional staff located in Washington D.C.; Colorado Springs, Colo; and El Segundo, Calif. (Current as of Oct 2023)