July 26, 2024 DAF senior leaders reinforce importance of allies, partners Department of the Air Force leaders reinforced the importance of interoperability in the air and space domains during the Global Air and Space Chiefs' Conference, Royal International Air Tattoo and Farnborough International Air Show.
July 18, 2023 DAF leaders join Royal Air Force at Royal International Air Tattoo 2023 RIAT is heralded as the largest airshow in the world, typically attracting more than 150,000 spectators over the course of a weekend.
July 20, 2022 US Air and Space Forces senior leaders emphasize need for strong alliances and ‘interoperability’ on European tour The senior-most civilian and military leaders of the Air and Space Forces crisscrossed Europe the week of July 10 carrying separate itineraries but a singular message - the importance of tight relationships with allies and partners, and the need to forge seamless "day-zero interoperability" that is