Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+


  • DAF senior leaders reinforce importance of allies, partners

    Department of the Air Force leaders reinforced the importance of interoperability in the air and space domains during the Global Air and Space Chiefs' Conference, Royal International Air Tattoo and Farnborough International Air Show.

  • Who cares: a conversation on grief, communication, community

    Conner Simms, Regions Hospital’s level 1 trauma center intensive care unit chaplain, witnessed inexplainable miracles and unimaginable losses. While it was his job to comfort those suffering, Simms admits bringing the weight of others’ grief home with him was practically unavoidable.

  • USSPACECOM leaders travel to Indo-Pacific

    The USSPACECOM visit came on the heels of noteworthy alliance and trilateral engagements in Washington, D.C. mid-April, including the 24th Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue and the historic Trilateral Summit involving the U.S., Japan and Philippine forces.

  • Connecting at Space Systems Command

    Space Systems Command’s personnel are connected by a common purpose, far greater than any of the individuals that make up the organization, its commanding officer told a capacity crowd of several hundred people at a morning event, April 18, at Los Angeles Air Force Base.

  • DAF releases FY23 safety awards

    The FY23 Department of the Air Force Safety Awards Program provides organizations, teams and individuals the opportunity to be recognized for their hard work, enhanced performance, accomplishments and feats in safety.

  • SecAF, CSAF, CMSAF begin Indo-Pacific trip focused on ACE

    The senior leaders are travelling across the Indo-Pacific region to witness firsthand the progress the service has achieved in establishing Agile Combat Employment, an operational scheme of maneuver to increase survivability and available combat power.